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How To Remove An Old Sitemap From Google Search Console

Remove Old Sitemaps From Google Search Console

Sitemaps are a crucial part of a website’s structure from the perspective of search engine optimization. There are various types of sitemaps, such as posts sitemap, pages sitemap, and videos sitemap, that help search engine crawlers to identify and locate all the content on your website.

In this article, you’ll learn how you can remove old sitemaps from Google Search Console, to prevent the Google crawler from facing 404 errors when trying to reach nonexistent URLs mentioned in your obsolete sitemap.

Steps To Remove Old Sitemaps From Google Search Console

To remove old sitemaps from your Google Search Console, perform the steps given below.

Open Google Search Console Dashboard

Firstly, open the Google Search Console dashboard, and make sure that the proper domain is selected, from which you want to remove the old sitemap.

Google Search Console, Make Sure The Correct Domain Is Selected.

Click On The Sitemaps Option

From the left-hand side menu, click on the “Sitemaps” option, as shown below.

Google Search Console, Sitemaps option.

Select The Sitemap That Needs To Be Removed

From the list of the submitted sitemaps, click on the one that needs to be removed.

List of submitted sitemaps.

From More Options, Click Remove Sitemap

Click on the three-dot menu for more options, located at the top right-hand corner, and then click on “Remove sitemap”.

Remove sitemap option in Google Search Console.

Now, the sitemap will be successfully removed from the Google Search console.

I hope you found this article helpful. If you have any queries, feel free to comment down below.

Have a great day ahead!

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Written by Anirban Roy

Anirban is a full-stack developer and an SEO expert. He has 6 years of experience in web development and software engineering. With a passion for writing, he has been blogging since 2017.

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