
Optimum Router & Modem Lights: Meaning Explained! [Guide]

Optimum Light Symbols.

This article describes the meaning behind all the lights visible on the Optimum Router, and the Optimum Arris Modem, under various conditions.

It’s crucial to understand the meaning of all the lights on your router as that’ll enable you to detect issues in your internet connection.

Optimum Router Light Symbols And Their Meaning

Here’s the list of all the different light symbols available on the Optimum routers.

Optimum router lights symbol
  1. Power Light
  2. USB Light
  3. WPS Light
  4. Wi-Fi Light
  5. Ethernet Light
  6. Internet Light

Now let’s understand what each of these symbols means in their different states.

Power Light

The power light tells whether or not the router is turned on.

GREEN POWER LIGHT: Router is turned on and is ready for use. This is the ideal state.

RED POWER LIGHT: Router is going through a software (firmware) update.

POWER LIGHT OFF: Router is turned off. Or, router is in the process of being reset.

USB Light

The USB light tells whether or not the USB light is operational and in use.

GREEN USB LIGHT: USB port is operational and is currently being used by some external device.

BLINKING GREEN USB LIGHT: USB port is operational and data transfer is currently occurring.

USB LIGHT OFF: USB port is currently not in use. If this indicator remains off even when a USB is connected to the port, then the USB port is non-operational and needs to be fixed.

WPS Light

The WPS light tells whether or not your Wi-Fi network is secured with a password.

By default, the WPS is disabled and your Wi-Fi network is open to all. To change this, head over to Admin Portal -> Wireless Settings -> WPS and turn it ON by setting a password.

GREEN WPS LIGHT: WPS is on and your Wi-Fi network is secure.

BLINKING GREEN WPS LIGHT: A new device is pairing with your WPS-enabled Optimum router.

WPS LIGHT OFF: WPS is disabled on your router and your Wi-Fi network is unsecure/open.

Wi-Fi Light

The Wi-Fi or Wireless light indicates whether or not your router’s Wi-Fi bands are active.

GREEN WI-FI LIGHT: Wi-Fi bands are active.

BLINKING GREEN WI-FI LIGHT: Wi-Fi bands are active and data transfer is occurring between the client devices and your router.

WI-FI LIGHT OFF: Wi-Fi bands are inactive. This means that Wi-Fi is disabled. Wi-Fi can be re-enabled by logging into the router’s admin panel.

Ethernet Light

The ethernet light indicator tells whether or not an ethernet port is currently active with a connected device.

GREEN ETHERNET LIGHT: Ethernet port is active and has a device connected.

BLINKING GREEN ETHERNET LIGHT: Ethernet port is active and is being currently used to transfer data with the connected device.

ETHERNET LIGHT OFF: Ethernet port is inactive. If a device is connected to the ethernet port and still the ethernet light is off, this means that the port is damaged and needs to be fixed.

Internet Light

This light indicates whether or not the router is receiving a proper internet connection.

GREEN INTERNET LIGHT: Internet connection is available and your router is receiving a proper internet signal.

RED INTERNET LIGHT: Router is not receiving an internet signal. In this case, contact your ISP and enquire about any internet outages.

BLINKING GREEN INTERNET LIGHT: The internet connection is active and data transfer is occurring.

INTERNET LIGHT OFF: Internet connection is disabled.

In case the indicator light is red or off, perform the following steps:

  1. Check whether the coaxial is connected properly or not.
  2. Contact your ISP and file a report with them regarding your internet outage.

Optimum Router Indicator Lights Summary

Indicator LightStateMeaning
Power LightGreenRouter is on and ready for use.
RedRouter is going through a software update.
OffRouter is turned off.
USB LightGreenUSB port is active.
Blinking GreenUSB port is active and data transfer is occurring.
OffUSB port is inactive.
WPS LightGreenWPS is on and Wi-Fi is secure.
Blinking GreenWPS is on and new device is pairing.
OffWPS is off and Wi-Fi is open/unsecure.
Wi-Fi LightGreenWi-Fi bands are active.
Blinking GreenWi-Fi bands are active and data transfer is taking place.
OffWi-Fi bands are inactive.
Ethernet LightGreenEthernet port is active.
Blinking GreenEthernet port is active and data transfer is occurring.
OffEthernet port is inactive.
Internet LightGreenRouter is connected to the internet.
RedRouter is having trouble connecting to the internet.
Blinking GreenInternet connection is active and data transfer is occurring.
OffInternet connection in unavailable.

Optimum Modem (Arris) Indicator Light Symbols And Their Meaning

Here’s the list of all the different light symbols available on the Optimum Arris modem.

Optimum Modem (arris) light symbols
  1. Power Light
  2. Upstream Light
  3. Downstream Light
  4. Online Light
  5. Tel Lights
  6. Ethernet Light

Now let’s discuss the meaning behind each of these symbols at their different states.

Power Light

The power light tells whether the modem is powered on or off.

GREEN POWER LIGHT: The modem is powered on.

POWER LIGHT OFF: The modem is powered off.

Upstream Light

The upstream light tells whether or not the modem is able to upload data.

GREEN UPSTREAM LIGHT: The modem is able to upload data.

BLINKING GREEN UPSTREAM LIGHT: The modem is initializing the upload channel.

UPSTREAM LIGHT OFF: The modem is unable to upload data. In this case, contact your Internet Service Provider.

Downstream Light

The downstream light tells whether or not the modem is able to download data.

GREEN DOWNSTREAM LIGHT: The modem is able to download data.

BLINKING GREEN DOWNSTREAM LIGHT: The modem is initializing the download channel.

DOWNSTREAM LIGHT OFF: The modem is unable to upload data. In this case, contact your Internet Service Provider.

Online Light

The online light tells you whether or not the modem is connected to the internet.

GREEN ONLINE LIGHT: Modem is connected to the internet.

ONLINE LIGHT OFF: Modem isn’t connected to the internet. Check if the coax cable is connected properly. Otherwise, contact your ISP.

Tel Lights

The tel lights (tel light 1 & 2) state whether or not a telephone is connected to the modem.

GREEN TEL LIGHTS: Modem is connected to telephone.

BLINKING GREEN TEL LIGHTS: The telephone connected to that tel port is on an active call.

TEL LIGHTS OFF: The tel port is inactive or voice service is not enabled.

Ethernet Light

The ethernet light indicates the quality of the internet connection that the modem is receiving.

GREEN ETHERNET LIGHT: The ethernet connected to your modem is providing around 1 Gbps internet speed.

AMBER ETHERNET LIGHT: The ethernet connected to your modem is providing around 10 – 100 Mbps internet speed.

BLINKING GREEN/AMBER ETHERNET LIGHT: Data transfer is currently happening using the ethernet port.

NO ETHERNET LIGHT: Ethernet port is inactive.

Optimum Modem Indicator Lights Summary

Indicator LightStateMeaning
Power LightGreenModem is on and ready for use.
OffModem is turned off.
Upstream LightGreenModem can upload data.
Blinking GreenModem is initializing upload channel.
Downstream LightGreenModem can download data.
Blinking GreenModem is initializing download channel.
Online LightGreenModem is connected to internet.
OffModem is disconnected from the internet.
Tel LightsGreenTelephone is connected
Blinking GreenTelephone is making an active call.
Ethernet LightGreenConnection speed is around 1 Gbps.
AmberConnection speed is between 10 and 100 Mbps.
Flashing Green/AmberData transfer is occurring.
OffEthernet port is inactive.


To sum up, I am providing the ideal states for all indicators on Optimum Routers and Optimum Modems. In case your device indicators are not in the ideal state, further inspection or fixes are required.

Ideal States For Optimum Router Indicators

Indicator LightIdeal State
Power LightGreen
USB LightGreen/Blinking
WPS LightGreen/Blinking
Wi-Fi LightGreen/Blinking
Ethernet LightGreen/Blinking
Internet LightGreen

Ideal States For Optimum Modem Indicators

Indicator LightState
Power LightGreen
Upstream LightGreen/Blinking
Downstream LightGreen/Blinking
Online LightGreen
Tel LightsGreen/Blinking
Ethernet LightGreen/Amber/Blinking

I hope this article was helpful to you. If you have any further queries, feel free to comment down below.

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Written by Anirban Roy

Anirban is a full-stack developer and an SEO expert. He has 6 years of experience in web development and software engineering. With a passion for writing, he has been blogging since 2017.

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